Can an Organization Take a Digital Sabbath?

On vacation, I accidentally dropped my phone in the ocean. It turned out to be a gift, as it forced me to engage in an unplanned yet liberating digital sabbath.

While much has been written about digital sabbath for individuals, how does an organization benefit from a digital sabbath? Is it even possible? What are the implications for employees, members, clients, or collaborators?

Advance Notice

If the digital sabbath occurs while the organization is on full sabbath, then communication requirements are few. Advanced notice repeatedly delivered through regular channels can indicate when employees and functions will be unavailable.

Share information about how mission-critical functions will be supported during the sabbath and share the protocol for emergency communication. Define what constitutes an emergency! Ensure all employees set automated responses on their individual accounts and public calendars to inform contacts when communication will be suspended and resumed.

Schedule, Schedule, Schedule

If there is a need for ongoing communication, scheduling platforms can be used to create a digital sabbath for content creators while maintaining communication flow. Block sufficient time beforehand to develop an editorial calendar, create content, and schedule accordingly.

Plan, Commit, Assess

A digital sabbath only works if everyone collectively commits to it. Design the plan. Ensure everyone in the organization honors the plan. Assess afterward if situations arose during the sabbath that required emergency communication and how they might be accommodated during the next sabbath.

An organization-wide digital sabbath isnā€™t as impossible as it sounds. With thorough preparation and scheduling, an organization can step back from reactionary day-to-day content creation. An ongoing communication strategy, including an editorial calendar, allows for the identification of communications goals, an intentional mix of content, and more efficient batch content creation. Even when it isnā€™t a sabbath or sabbatical time, this approach keeps communication flowing at a sustainable pace!