Google Workspace for Nonprofits – FREE tools to facilitate collaboration

Do you need to organize individuals and information for a collaborative project or ongoing shared leadership? Google Workspace for Nonprofits is a great choice—nonprofits can qualify for this extensive suite of products for free! Some of the benefits include:

Google-hosted emails that include your domain name

Instead of “[email protected],” you can use emails branded with your organization’s domain name, such as “[email protected].” This is important for both branding and security. Not only will it allow you to avoid asking leaders to use their personal emails for public-facing communication, but by using email addresses branded with the organization’s domain, you reduce the likelihood of security threats derived from phishing and scammers using copycat email addresses that look like they might be from your organization.

Shared Drives to promote institutional knowledge

While collaborators might come and go, it’s helpful for organizational continuity and knowledge to maintain project history in one place.

Shared folders to manage photos and other media

Collecting and managing photos is often a challenge for organizations. Granting shared access and providing media creators guidelines regarding naming conventions, organizational conventions, etc., can broaden the base of contributors without increasing the organizational burden.

Shared calendars to coordinate project participation 

Providing participants with shared project deadlines via a subscribable calendar can keep processes moving along and increase shared accountability.

Google Forms for increasing engagement 

Using Google Forms on a shared account also allows better response management, permitting multiple collaborators access to response data.

Check out our Introduction to Google Workspace Quick Start step-by-step guide. This Quick Start is FREE until November 19, 2024.