Recognizing a Team Transition

Learning Forte is proud to be a company that supports our team’s multi-vocational hybrid ministry callings. Today we celebrate a team member whose journey and whose work for LF! exemplify this commitment and the strategic opportunities it offers our company and the Church.

Kyle Oliver came to Learning Forte when his spouse accepted a call as rector of an Episcopal church in Metro Chicago. Previously living in California, he had been serving as Communications and Marketing Manager at Church Divinity School of the Pacific (CDSP) in Berkeley.

In his two years with our team, Kyle has served as Head of Learning Media at Learning Forte, responsible for overseeing the development and implementation of several of our products, including the Digital Communication Audit. A passionate content creator and teacher, Kyle has authored or coauthored some of our most popular on-demand offerings on the LF! Learning Hub and facilitated or co-facilitated three cohorts of our Design + Deliver course for online and hybrid instructors in theological education. Kyle has also been a frequent contributor to our blog and Learning Live Q&A sessions, including in a series of posts about lessons learned in his media-based dissertation, which he defended in 2022.

“I am so proud of the work we’ve done together over the past two years,” Kyle said. “It has been a joy to work with such a multi-talented team on projects that are making a difference for the leaders, congregations, seminaries, and other organizations we serve. And it’s nothing short of astounding how much Learning Forte has grown and changed in such a short time.”

Kyle has also led or contributed to numerous projects with our custom consulting clients, including CDSP, the eFormation program at Virginia Theological Seminary (where Kyle and LF! CEO Stacy Williams-Duncan originally met in 2014), and the Episcopal Church Foundation (where Kyle is also a 2016 academic fellow).

It is to one of those clients that he will now be returning. Kyle has accepted a position as Director of Communications and Marketing at CDSP, where he will also teach Christian formation, missional practices for Beloved Community, and other courses in the MDiv and continuing education programs. This past January, CDSP announced a shift to a fully hybrid educational model, leading to an opportunity for him to return to full-time seminary ministry while his family remains rooted in his spouse’s parish context.

We celebrated Kyle at a special send-off on July 18, but he will continue on the team in a limited capacity through the end of August. We wish him and his family all the best as he brings his gifts in communication and education back to the theological academy.