Resolve to Reflect: Incorporating the Practice of Assessment

You made it! Another turn around the sun (365.25 days to be exact). I don’t know about you, but to me it can feel like I’m running a race. I use all the energy and strength I can muster to get across the finish line just to see that another lap has already begun – no time to stop and catch my breath before it’s back to the grind.

Let me tell you a secret…you can decide when (and how!) you “re-enter the race.” Sure, there may be inherent consequences to your actions, but the fact remains that the world keeps on spinning even if you stand still. Before you make any new resolutions for the new year, resolve to reflect.

Think back to how you started the year, or maybe to a key moment where you resolved to form a new habit or way of being. Check in with yourself. How’s that going? Did you do it? Are you continuing to work toward this goal? How are you tracking your progress and overall growth?

What we’re talking about here is the practice of assessment. Sounds like school, right? Yes – AND – the educational concepts of formative assessment (frequent check-ins along the way) and summative assessment (end-of-experience evaluations) are ones we can incorporate into our personal and professional lives as well.

Want some ideas on how to do this? Join me for a free online session on Tuesday, January 16 at 1:00 pm Eastern as I share tips, helpful questions, and tools that can aid the practice of reflection in all areas of your life. See you there!

written by Sarah Lawing