Strategic Consulting Clients


From 2023 Sandbox Participants

  • The natural flow of idea-sharing was probably most significant. Often, some of us may not feel like we have the “permission” to experiment, be creative, go out of bounds, etc. To hear that someone else *has* tried something gives a certain kind of permission.
  • Solidarity with colleagues is nice when you have it. But, in this present time, having colleagues to lean on, share ideas and from whom you can learn is an absolute necessity. Being a part of the Hybrid Futures Leadership Cohort has been an invaluable aid in this time of transition into what is next for the Church.
Rev. Eric L. Murray – Co-lead Pastor

“I feel really equipped to do the hard work of rending values/practices and reconciling relationship to change.”

“I feel empowered and connected to do the work of leading from values.”

“I have limited capacity and have been empowered by this program to experiment with this.”

I have enjoyed the program for as much as I have been able to participate. It seems to be what I need especially being a new pastor at a congregation that is dealing with a lot of change (me being one)…the content is great and this is what I really need to navigate through my congregation…

The Rev. Nyahaley Labor, Pastor – EMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH – Atlanta, GA

  • Visioning and big picture thinking is at the heart of leadership but often falls victim to the minutia of the daily. I find that reaching my goals requires some kind of accountability. I need to know that I am going to be checking in with someone, that discussions will be had, etc. in order for me to stay focused on where I want to go. Being part of a cohort in the Sandbox has given me people with whom I can connect but also keep me gently on the hook to do the work. 
  • I never stopped to think about how my values already inform my work. Now that I have articulated my values I can use them with more intention as I lead my projects.  It was all there. I just didn’t know it. 
The Rev. Kelly Demo, Associate Recor St. Thomas the Apostle Episcopal Church

  • As a child runs sand through a sieve, she decides what to keep and what to place aside. The strategic imagination sandbox is a creative learning environment which has assisted me in developing a language for engagement with change which allows for discerning leadership decisions with respect to next steps oriented towards healthy organizational growth.
    Identifying personal and organizational values allows me to remain focused on leading from places of strength and passion (i.e. abundant joy) which results in authenticity and more likely compelling leadership. In this context I am unapologetic about experimentation.
  • While I intellectually accept the inevitability of hybridity permeating all aspects of leadership, I lack personal investment and commitment to embracing it. However, the format in terms of processing content according to my personal life rhythm (family with two young children and full-time ministry) has been beneficial and productive.
From The Rev. Dwayne Varas, Rector, St. Elizabeth of Hungary Episcopal Church

The Sandbox helped me to have language around what I am doing and why. It brought things that were subconscious or embedded to the surface so I can be more intentional.

Hayley McKeefry Delmas 2023 Sandbox Participant

“The Sandbox taught me that I am a better leader than I give myself credit for. There is a lot of what was talked about that I have done intuitively. Now I have language and structure for those things and can do them with more intention.”

Kelly Demo, 2023 Sandbox Participant

Oklahoma Conference Testimonials

“The model we learned in our workshop helped us reframe our approach to problems. Thanks, Learning Forte for helping us identify new possibilities. We can’t wait to take this model home and work through it with the rest of our team.”

Diocese of Oklahoma Small Church Conference Lay Participant

Using the model we learned from LF!, my lay attendee and I planned a strategy for upgrading our children’s ministry in less than an hour!

Diocese of Oklahoma Small Church Conference Pastoral Participant